Lancashire Woodland Connect

December 2021

This is a joint project in partnership with Wyre Rivers Trust and Ribble Rivers Trust. It is being supported with funding from local councils, with Lune RT’s funding coming from Lancaster City Council. The project started in 2020 and has the ambition to run for 10 years. The project aims to boost the amount of tree planting in Lancashire, whilst also ensuring that it has the greatest benefit to the environment. In particular we are focusing on riparian tree planting (tree planting next to rivers) to maximise the multiple benefits that this can have for the river. The initial phase of the project focuses on engaging with landowners/ farmers to identify possible sites for tree planting. Then working with them to secure funding to carry out the planting. Through Ribble RT and Durham University we will also have access to a computer modelling tool that highlights where riparian would have the biggest benefit in the Lune catchment.